As a candidate, you are assigned to one of our executive recruiters, who are seasoned professionals with extensive networks and expert knowledge of the pharma, biotech and CRO industries. We personally get to know you so we can find you the best opportunities.
We specialize in placing talented candidates in Associate Director through C-level positions in therapeutic areas such as oncology, hematology, immunology, cardiovascular, infectious disease, rheumatology, respiratory, endocrinology, CNS and more. We also focus on relevant industry disciplines including clinical drug development, translational medicine, medical affairs, safety, regulatory affairs and more.
If you are an MD, PhD, PharmD or have other relevant advanced degree or experience and are interested in exploring your next step in your career progression, we can help.
Fill out the form on our Contact Us page and include your CV for a confidential review. It is our policy to never share candidates’ information with third parties without permission.
We respond to all inquiries to ensure that you get the attention you need.